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Send appointment details

You can instantly send clients their appointment details which they can easily add to their calendar!

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Online Booking descriptions

Did you know you can add descriptions to your Online Booking site? You can provide clients with more detail about your services and packages when they book online! Service and package descriptions Start by adding an Online Booking description for each of your services and packages. Here’s how: Go to the products & services tab. […]

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New mobile friendly appointment book

baxus’ appointment book is now mobile friendly, making it easy to view and update it no matter where you are or which device you’re using.

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Security updates

We know it’s important keep client information safe, so we’ve made some changes to baxus’ security. Standard access has changed Standard access no longer lets users view client contact details. That’s so you can give users access to all the features this security level includes, but don’t need to give them visibility of client information. […]

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New Targets only access for your team

We’ve released a new baxus access option – Targets. Now you can let your team view and track their personal targets while keeping your client and business information safe.

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Quickly edit rostered hours

Now, if you have admin access, you have the ability to quickly edit working hours from the appointment book when you experience changes to staff hours and unplanned staff leave.

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Add Online Bookings to clients calendars

We’ve got a new Online Booking feature! When your clients are sent an email confirming their Online Booking, they’ll have the ability to add the appointment into their calendar.

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How baxus complies with the GDPR

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is effective as of 25 May 2018. We’ve been working with a specialist team to make sure we’re compliant and wanted to let you know what we’ve done.

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Helping you be GDPR compliant

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect on 25 May 2018. If you’re in the UK, find out more and see how baxus can help you be GDPR compliant.

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Preparing for the GDPR

On 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) comes into effect, so baxus is currently preparing for this change.

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